Whether it's an idea, project, startup, or to just grab coffee ...

We'd love to meet you!


Our Forms

Project Request Form.

For any design related inquiries, for consulting, or for any other requests, please fill out our project request form.

Please bear in mind that, as per our terms of service, our club shuts down around finals to give our students a chance to study and concentrate on school matters. If you have a project that is urgent, please plan accordingly and either provide us with a deadline that is before finals, or during the next semester. Likewise, our club gives students a grace period at the beginning of the semester to get back into the flow of things, so please expect us to answer you sometime after the second week of classes.

Project Request

General Inquiries

McGill University.

McGill Design Consultancy (MDC), a team run entirely by students who are experienced, well-trained and passionate about human-centric graphic design, illustration and web development. At MDC, we currently work to serve the communities within McGill in order to provide assistance with or consult about anything design-related

Frank Dawson Adams Building
3450 University Street
Montréal, QC H3A 2A7

Contact Form